Micronesian Island Tourist Attractions

Micronesia Tourist Attractions

The most thought-provoking places to holiday in the Pacific Ocean are the Federated States of Micronesia. It is made up of many varied Islands that provide their own tradition, greens and escapade. While the island of Yap gives the well looked after tradition, Chuuk is famous for its diving and water sport activities. Pohnpei is considered the largest of all the Micronesian Islands filled with rainforests. Kosrea island offers the earliest mangrove forest and archeological wrecks and remains from the Neolithic period and named as the Crown Jewel of Micronesia.

Micronesia Charms its Tourists with Places and Happenings

Japanese Zeros

If one is interested in History, this is the place to be. There are many remains from the times of WWII, which has been preserved and for display all around Micronesia. Of them all, the Japanese Zero is considered as the crown jewel.

Sunset Park

Across the whole coastal strip, the Sunset park acts as the point from where the sunset can be viewed without a hindrance enclosed with beautiful scenic picnic places and tourism areas.

Truk Lagoon Underwater Fleet

One would never want to miss this place without visiting. Truk Lagoon serves as the spot for divers. It is the most unique dive sites in the whole world. It boasts of having the world’s largest submerged museums with over 60 ships and different aircrafts as part of it.

History and Archaeology Plays through Micronesia

Nan Madol

Labelled as the “Venice of the Pacific,” this historical city topography a huge assortment of old remains and archaeological areas that goes back to 500 AD. The area is accessible via a boat ride from the mainland of Kolonia.

Lelu Ruins

Lelu Ruins and Nan Madol, both are from as early as the 13th century. Tourists swamp to view the large basaltic walls and tomb remains, the quarters lived in once and also the street that was invented as the capital at earlier times.

Kosrae State Museum

Ancient relics, pictures and miscellanies of art, music, and literature and chronicles are kept benign in Kosrae State Museum of Micronesia. It is situated in the energetic city of Tofol.

Micronesia, in the Caroline Islands archipelago is constituted with more than 600 islands. It is distributed approximately along social and language lines from west to east. The above-mentioned attractions are a must to see and relish the true beauty of Micronesia.

About Les-iles Team

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